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Patient Testimonials

If you have EXTREME claustrophobia while taking MRIs as I "did", I HIGHLY recommend Premier MRI in Madison Heights. The MRI machine was TRULY open. I cannot stress enough that there's no need to be nervous/anxious about getting claustrophobic during the MRI. I Googled open MRI machine pics prior to my appt & they were 100% accurate. I've got another upcoming appointment & am looking forward to it, believe it or not. Honestly, it actually turned out to be a relaxing little break from a stressful day. Last but not least, the staff I dealt w/today were just all-around AWESOME. They GENUINELY CARE & are EMPATHIETIC to claustrophobic MRI patients, as I was until now & also take pride in their work, along w/ being super friendly & personable!! THANK YOU PREMIER MRI. I give you a ☆☆☆☆☆ rating, though your worth is much higher!! :)

-Monique K

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